Wednesday, November 5, 2008

October 2008 Trip to Cincinnati

The Colorado Smith Family was finally able to make it to Cincinnati for a visit with the family in October. For many "back home" it was their first time meeting Henry (or for that matter Sam who was only six months old during his last visit) who is now over two years old. It was a great trip. The kids were relatively behaved on the flights to and from. The weather was mostly great with just a little rain. And the family activities were many and the kids loved all the attention.

Henry draws pictures at grandma Sally's crib

One of the high points of the visit was documenting Henry's first taste of Skyline Chili. He loved it!

A family expedition to Max and Erma's for dinner. They still have all that stuff on the walls.

Uncle Dan and Aunt Sherry relax at Grandma Judy's

A quick visit to Aunt Heidi and Uncle Damon's to see their new edition, Charlotte Tucker

Uncle Mike and Aunt Sherry on a blustery day at the lake behind Grandma Judy's house

Sammy gets ready to zoom head first down a slide during a much needed visit to a nearby park

Hank rips down the slide in his typical reckless manner

Sam peaks over the park play equipment. Both boys loved the time outdoors and needed some time to "play" after sitting in so many restaurants with the family

We could not get Hank off this slide. He loved it. He zips down here head first.

Not to be outdone by Hank, Sammy heads down head first as well

This image sums up the trip. The kids had such a great time with all the family attention and activities that on this night, Hank gave up on waiting to go to bed and just crashed on the sofa while watching TV.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Search for the Great Pumpkin(s) 2008

On Saturday, Oct 18 Mary, Ben, Sammy, and Henry finally made it to the pumpkin patch for their annual pumpkin hunt. Our favorite pumpkin patch, only about 10 minutes from the house, chose to grow the more profitable corn crop this year instead of pumpkins. Too bad, cause last year they had a great setup.

But Rock Creek Farms, just on the other side of the road from our usual vegetative rendezvous, came through with huge fields covering the landscape with the bright orange gourd, some farm animals, a giant inflatable slide, and a mini kid size hay maze. All tons of fun.

See for yourself below!

Just after arriving in a vast field of orange, Hank picks the absolute smallest pumpkin he can find. He was later found chewing on this miniature pumpkin.

In case you could not see Henry's new pumpkin, here it is a little closer up

Sam, always a bit more introspective about his vegetables than Hank, finds a picture perfect pumpkin

As is typical for Hank, just walking around the farm field is never enough. Here Hank boards the Pumpkin Express

Again more introspective, Sammy begins a life-long relationship with another pumpkin

Off to the Giant Slide. Sam (peaking from under his arm) and Henry make their way up the slide

Hank hurls himself down the slide. Its hard to tell above but he is laughing his head off

Next stop was the kid-size hay maze. Never one to miss a chance for a pose Sammy shows he does have a goofy side while Hank climbs up onto the bale

Henry negotiates a large hay crevasse

Sammy displays his trademark excited "flapping" maneuver

Hank now confident in his ambulatory skills, strolls amongst the hay bales

A week or so ago Hank was traumatized when a sheep wrenched an ear of Indian corn from his hand. On Saturday Hank was still happy to feed some hay to a mini-horse.

This was a really fun day for the family. There is something relaxing about milling about in a farm field full of pumpkins. The kids sure like it. We came home with five HUGE pumpkins weighing in at probably over 100 pounds total. 5 bucks each!

I can't believe it is already Halloween, and the stores are already putting up Christmas stuff. This years has flown by...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sammy's Dino-Mite 4th Birthday Party

On July 19th Sammy, family, and friends celebrated his 4th birthday. The theme? How could it be anything other than those Jurassic Jewels. Those tantalizing Triassic tally whackers...the Dinosaurs!

Sam, Henry, Mom, and Dad joined in to give Sam his celebratory send-off to his next geologic epoch. Mom had done a fantastic job of putting together a host (not too much...not too little) of paleontological activities including hatching dino eggs (inflated balloons with dinos inside), breaking open "rocks" to find "fossilized" dinos inside, and several other activities that the kids "dug." Here Sammy gives one of his fossils the "what-for" to get at that dino inside.

Sammy shows his dino bootie!

The Pith Helmets was one of Dad's ideas. Actually, Dad may have only contributed one or two total ideas with Mom doing the bulk of the planning.

After a few more searing-hot minutes outside in a climate not unlike what the dinosaurs actually experienced the crowd went inside for some dino-cake. This time the "made in China" birthday candles actually managed to relight unlike last year.

Then the feeding began. Below, Henry, and his friend Christopher share a moment, a mess, and some cake goo as they check to see which one of the two has attained the most revolting tongue color.

Sammy, always one to "Ham" it up for the camera, poses. Sam really had a great time. It was a small party as several of his friends were out of town for various Summertime activities. But the folks that were there made for a great 4th!

Stay tuned for next month when Henry has his 2nd birthday party from Minnesota!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Check Back Soon

Give me a peek soon! We will be adding more content shortly.